"And many more believed because of His own word" (John 4:41).
In his letter to the Romans, Paul wrote, “Faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God” (Rom. 10:17). This verse is capsulized in the experience of the Samaritans, who came to Jesus because of the testimony of the woman at the well. Three times in this brief passage (John 4:39–42) the word “word” is emphasized. First, the people from Samaria believed Jesus to be a prophet because of the word of the woman. Second, they believed in Him because of His own word. And third, they declared Him to be the Christ because they heard Him.
The difference between the Samaritans and many of the Jews in this respect is striking. On a number of occasions, the Jews refused to believe Jesus because they wanted to see a sign, or they wanted to experience a miracle. Jesus often rebuked those who looked for a sign as a basis for faith (Matt. 12:39). But notice what drew the Samaritans to Jesus. They came to Him because of the simple testimony of a disreputable woman. Then, being convinced of the authority of Christ, they believed in Him because of His “own words.” The woman’s testimony drew them to Jesus, but personal contact with Him produced saving faith. They heard His teaching, and they were convinced of the truth. The result—faith grew in then hearts. They didn’t need signs and wonders. They simply needed to come face to face with Christ and the power of His Word.
Christ has given us His Word in the Scriptures. He told His disciples in John 17:17 that they would be sanctified by the truth, and the Word is the truth. While miracles and signs have a place in redemptive history by giving support and evidence to the authority of Christ, belief in His Word produces saving faith. If we refuse to listen to His Word yet clamor for a sign, we will never come to true faith in Him. But if we, like the Samaritans, come to Him to listen to His Word as it has been revealed in the Scriptures, faith will grow in us like a seed in fertile soil. Then, and only then, will we join the multitudes who have believed, not because of something they have seen, but because of the truth they have heard.
Many people come to church and religious events because they want to see something miraculous. But here we learn that those who truly believe come to Jesus Himself, to listen to Him, and to believe in Him. Why do you believe in Christ? Is it because of something you have seen, or the truth of His Word?