Where there's Barth (for e.g., here on this blog), there's always room for Bonhoeffer. The Logos bible software free book for August is Bonhoeffer's Creation and Fall, volume 3 in his collected works. It's a theological exposition of Genesis 1-3. These were lectures originally delivered by Bonhoeffer at the University of Berlin in 1932-33 during the demise of the Weimar Republic and the birth of the Third Reich. In the course of these events, Bonhoeffer called his students to focus their attention on the word of God the word of truth in a time of turmoil.
Note for Logos users: when you download this volume for free you will be given the opportunity to download another volume from the collected works, vol. 7, Fiction from Tegel Prison, as well.
If you use Logos, don't miss it. It's a great deal.