Friday, March 9, 2018

An Overview of Romans

"To all in Rome who are loved by God and called to be saints: Grace and peace to you from God our Father and from the Lord Jesus Christ" (Romans 1:7).

If someone asked you to summarize the book of Romans, could you do it? Review the book in your mind, so that you have its overall progression of thought firmly in your grasp.

Chapter 1: All men have a knowledge of God from general revelation, and this renders all men guilty, since all men reject this revelation. 

Chapter 2: The Jews are guilty of rejecting God’s law as well, and thus are doubly guilty. 

Chapter 3: Since no man can be saved by his own righteousness, justification can only be by faith in the work of Jesus Christ. 

Chapter 4: The chief Old Testament example is Abraham, who was saved by faith. 

Chapter 5: The fruit of this justification is peace with God. 

Chapter 6: Free grace gives no license for sin, but rather provides resurrection power for a new life of righteousness. 

Chapter 7: Our regeneration produces a struggle against indwelling sin. 

Chapter 8: The Holy Spirit works with us in the war against sin, and guarantees us our final victory in the resurrection.

Chapter 9: Our security in Christ is grounded in God’s choice of us, not our choice of Him. 

Chapter 10: God brings His elect people to Himself by means of evangelism and the preaching of the Gospel. 

Chapter 11: God has taken the Gospel to the Gentiles now, but there will come a time when Israel will also receive it.

Chapter 12: Paul shifts from theological exposition to practical application. The appropriate response to such a great salvation is to present ourselves as living sacrifices and transformed people in the community of the church. 

Chapter 13: Believers live in submission to the civil magistrate. 

Chapter 14: Weak and strong believers need to live in harmony, understanding each other. 

Chapter 15: The apostle to the Gentiles hopes to visit Rome soon. 

Chapter 16: Paul gives greetings to the saints, and warnings against wolves.