Although there is nothing sacrosanct about the end of the year, it is as good a time as any for a year-end reflection. Since the end of the calendar year also coincides with the conclusion of this year's study in Luke here on the blog, it seems doubly good to reflect with that study in mind. This weekend, consider the following thoughts.
- As Jesus opened the disciples’ minds on the Emmaus road bringing an understanding of the Scripture (Luke 24:13–35), so His Spirit does for us today. How much have you sought to understand more of His Word through the enlightening of the Holy Spirit this past year? In what way can you enhance your study next year?
- Jesus appeared to the disciples in the flesh (Luke 24:36–44). He appears to us through the written Word and the powerful Spirit He has given us. How much have you appreciated that presence in 2018? Contemplate how in 2019 you can more fully encounter the Savior through His Word and Spirit.
- He gave the disciples the Gospel to preach—repentance and forgiveness for sins (Luke 24:45–49). He has given us that same Gospel to preach. Are you helping to spread His Good News? Is there repentance from sin as people respond to the Gospel? Are you seeing people experience the healing of forgiveness?
- What personal difference has your faith made this year? Is your life more pleasing to God as a result of your Christian faith in 2018? How great has been your growth in grace? And just as importantly, to what extent have your relationships reflected your faith? What about next year? While we cannot presume upon God’s sovereignty, as a servant of the Lord of Glory what things can you see lying ahead to be accomplished? Seek to live the whole of your life before the presence of God. Consider this weekend that you live your life under the gaze of God’s scrutiny, in His presence, and for His glory.