Heading to seminary or know someone who is? Great, get prepared before you go. "The Survivor's Guide to Seminary" should be the first book you read to get oriented to the challenges ahead. Long enough to be helpful and short enough to be read quickly, "The Survivor's Guide to Seminary" covers the following topics:
1. Preparing Your Mind for Seminary
2. This Isn’t Sunday School
3. The Cognitive and Contemplative Pathways
4. Having the “Talk” – What Are You Going to Do With This Degree?
5. Your Professional Image and Its Cultivation
6. The Six Über Skills of Seminary
7. Thoughts On Thinking
8. Thoughts On Building a Theological Library
9. Thoughts On Life Together: Your Seminary Cohort as a Community
10. Stress and Its Maintenance
11. Spouses: A Few Thoughts on Marriage and Seminary
12. May God Bless You in Seminary (and you bless God)
Get the book, read it, and thrive in seminary! You can grab it on Kindle for $2.99