Prayer for Friday: Father in heaven, who made my limbs to serve You and my soul to follow hard after You, with sorrow and remorse in my heart I acknowledge before You the faults and failures of the past day. Too long, O Father, have I tried Your patience; too often have I betrayed the sacred trust You gave me to keep; yet You are still willing that I should come to You with a humble heart, as now I do, asking You to drown my sins in the sea of Your own infinite love.
Create in me a clean heart, O God;
and renew a right spirit within me.
Cast me not away from thy presence;
and take not thy holy spirit from me.
Restore unto me the joy of thy salvation,
and give me the strength of a willing spirit. In Christ's Name, Amen.
Scripture Reading for Friday: Genesis 30-31
Scripture Reflection for Friday: Today's journey "Through the Bible" visits Genesis 30-31.
In Genesis 30, we see that sin has consequences but can never defeat God’s purposes. Multiple sexual relationships and dishonest and selfish business practices create sorrow, envy, and hatred. But the Lord uses sin to fulfill His promises and to multiply His people throughout the world. If you are in a family or business situation marred by sin, wait on the Lord and put your trust in His Word. He will bless you and build His kingdom.
In Genesis 31, we see that Laban is an example of a bully, oppressor, and tyrant. He robs the righteous, envies their prosperity, breaks his promises, alienates his family, worships idols, accuses others falsely, puts on a show of kindness, uses force to take what deceit will not get him, cheats honest employees, constantly changes his words, sees everything he takes as his right, and uses religion to protect his interests. But God will rebuke and judge him. Believers may face and overcome such people with truth, justice, and faith in the Lord.
Daily Teaching (Catechism) for Friday:
(9.1) God has endowed human will with natural liberty and power to act on choices so that it is neither forced nor inherently bound by nature to do good or evil (Matthew 17:12; James 1:14; Deuteronomy 30:19).
May God help you to grow in Christ today,