Saturday, January 11, 2020

Strengthened by Grace Devotional: 1/11/20

Prayer for Saturday: Most Holy God, please rekindle the love that used to be strong for my church family, a Christian friend, or a family member. Perhaps this love isn’t now as strong as it used to be. Let me love with the love of Christ, let this love be strong and vibrant, selfless and kind. Give me eyes to see the needs around me in my Christian brothers and sisters, and let me be a part of their lives, encouraging and loving them. In Christ's name, Amen.

Scripture Reading for Saturday: Genesis 32-33

Scripture Reflection for Saturday: Today's journey "Through the Bible" visits Genesis 32-33.

In Genesis 32, we see that if we have sinned against other people, let us first humble ourselves before God and find peace with Him. Then let us humble ourselves before them, ask for forgiveness, and seek to pay back any losses that we caused them. Most of all, we must cling to God that He would bless us whether or not people will make peace with us.

In Genesis 33, we see how beautiful when God reconciles enemies and heals broken relationships! It is a picture of divine grace. Repentance is shown for sins committed, restitution is made for damages done, forgiveness is granted to the guilty, and tenderhearted friendship is renewed. Reconciliation is costly—most of all to our pride—but it is sweet and precious. Insofar as it depends upon us, let us pursue peace with all.

Daily Teaching (Catechism) for Saturday:

(9.2) Humanity in the state of innocence had freedom and power to will and to do what was good and well-pleasing to God. Yet this condition was unstable, so that humanity could fall from it (Ecclesiastes 7:29; Genesis 3:6).

May God help you to grow in Christ today,