Prayer for Monday: Gracious Healer, heal me. Heal me in my body, for it is broken and pained from the afflictions of sin. Heal me in my mind, for it is filled with love for the things of the world, and I suffer from my disobedience to you. Heal me in my words, for they escape my lips in vain. Heal me in my heart, for I too often judge others, resent others, grow angry and nurse my grievances. Heal me. Like a foolish and headstrong sheep, I have wandered from your path and have become lost in my pride. And above all, heal me in my spirit. I am battle-ravaged by my sin, sick by my own will. The pure spirit you gave me is sometimes a mess of wreckage and rubble. I regret every abuse of your gifts. Forgive me, dear Christ, and replenish me with your infinite mercy, with your pure, clear, perfect love, until I am restored to the perfect beauty and peace of soul that can be found only by the grace of your sanctification. Wash me clean, make me white as snow by the blood of Christ. In Jesus' name, amen.
Scripture Reflection for Monday: Today's journey "Through the Bible" visits Exodus 26-28.
In Exodus 26, we see that In the tabernacle, God’s glory was both present and hidden. The tent curtains in four layers hid its contents well. Outside it looked quite ordinary; inside were royal colors and sparkling gold. However, even the priests in the holy place faced the veil separating them from the most holy place. God’s holiness separates Him from sinners (Isa. 59:2). Only Christ can open the way to God by His death and intercession. The divine glory comes to us hidden in the humble, crucified flesh of Jesus (John 1:14; 1 Cor. 1:23–24). His glorious presence with His people is seen only by faith and enjoyed by those who are humble and repentant over sin (Isa. 66:2; Phil. 3:3, 8–10).
In Exodus 27, we see that the only way to draw near to God is through the altar. There the priests killed a sin offering and took its blood into the tabernacle. The Lord Jesus offered Himself once and for all and then brought His human nature into heaven itself to appear on behalf of His people. Christians thus have a greater altar—not a physical object, but Christ Himself who strengthens our hearts with grace. Let us pray for grace to be quick to use this altar of Christ for all our sins and all our needs.
In Exodus 28, we see that How glorious and beautiful is our High Priest in the sight of God—holy, harmless, undefiled, separate from sinners, and made higher than the heavens! Surely the Father is delighted to hear Jesus' intercession for us. Are you relying upon this perfect Priest? Have you become experientially acquainted with the value of His constant intercessions? Will you not give your life to Him today?
Spiritual Meditation for Monday:
Into your hands, O Lord, Jesus Christ, my God, I commend my spirit. Bless me and all those who pray in faith of You this day; save us and grant unto us everlasting life.May God help you to grow in Christ today,