Prayer for Wednesday: Holy Father, this morning I address myself to You, that infinitely great and glorious Being with whom I have graciously entered into an eternal covenant by your grace through Jesus Christ. I pray that you would possess me today with a full belief of Your presence and give me a holy awe and reverence of Your Majesty. On my lips this morning let me utter Your holy word and give praise to You with phrases such as these:
—Holy, holy, holy, is the Lord God Almighty, who was and is and is to come!
—O you whose name is the LORD, who alone are the Most High over all the earth!
—O God, who are the true God, the living God, the one only living and true God and the everlasting King!
Lord this day may I thus distinguish myself from the worshipers of false gods. We know idols are a vanity, the work of human hands. Protect me from worshiping myself, or sex, power, or wealth. Let me not live in a spirit of fear. Let my portion be only in You. And remind me this day that all other worldly things shall perish from the earth and under the heavens. In Christ's Name, Amen.
Scripture Reading for Wednesday: Genesis 25-26
Scripture Reflection for Wednesday: Today's journey in God's word visits Genesis 25-26.
In Genesis 25, we see that we must prepare our estates and prepare our children for the time when we will die. Most of all, we must prepare ourselves for the day when our spirits will be gathered to another place. Will that place be heaven or hell? The answer is based on who we are in relation to Jesus Christ. Have you repented and placed your complete trust in Christ? Have you given your life to Him? If not, why not do so this very moment. Pray to the Lord and ask for His mercy in Jesus Christ.
In Genesis 26, we see that the Lord is the same yesterday, today, and forever. He still can be trusted to bless His people with physical provision and the hope of future glory. But the richest blessings that believers presently enjoy are the fruits and gifts of the Holy Spirit. In the midst of famines and other trials, let us seek these riches diligently in prayer.
Daily Teaching (Catechism) for Wednesday:
(8.9) The office of mediator between God and humanity is appropriate for Christ alone, who is the prophet, priest, and king of the church of God. This office may not be transferred from him to anyone else, either in whole or in part (1 Timothy 2:5).
May God help you to grow in Christ today,