Friday, July 31, 2020

The PreacherCast (Episode: July 31, 2020)

Welcome to The PreacherCast for July 31 2020!

We round up the news and talk theology and book reviews. On today's episode: 1) John MacArthur says Grace Community Church ‘has duty to remain open’; 2) Detroit Police Chief James Craig on why city isn't rocked by riots: 'We don't retreat here'; 3) Ten Reasons Why Your Church Members Are Ornery in the Pandemic; 4) The main takeaway from the “2020 National Pulpit Survey” is this: Christians want their preachers to address moral and cultural concerns; 5) Over 70% of churches holding in-person services with safety measures in place; 6) Theology Section: How Do We Become Spiritually Mature? 7) Book Review: "God's Ten Commandments: Yesterday, Today, Forever" by Francis Nigel Lee