Here are five things which are on my mind this week...
1) I was inspired by the War Room movie to create a special prayer space for my wife Rachel (I know, I know, this is SO five years ago, but I'm a bit behind). It was simple, cost very little because I repurposed an end table, lamp, and chair from our basement, and it has become an important part of her morning routine. She's happy, I'm happy...and bonus feature, she prays for me and my ministry in this new "war room." BTW, I have a "war room" as well - my trusty reading chair in my downstairs reading room. Here is Rachel's new war room:
2) I got rid of Netflix and Amazon Prime a while back. In their place, I subscribed to two streaming services, PureFlix and AnswersTV. Both are wonderful Christian alternatives to "Netflix and Chill" and I don't have to worry about what political causes my dues are supporting or what kind of immoral grossness we are helping fund and distribute. Check them out if you are really looking to cut the (big corporate) cord.
3) Have you heard of the Kendrick brothers' first movie, Flywheel? It's a movie about a dishonest used car salesman who decides to become the salesman that God wants him to be - with surprising results. It's from the group who brought us Fireproof, Courageous, War Room, and Overcomer. It's actually their first movie. Admittedly, it is very low budget, but it's a good story, and I am going to watch it again with my family this evening after downloading from iTunes.
4) Over the past two weeks, I read one of the BEST men's discipleship books I've ever laid eyes on: Manly Dominion by Mark Chanski. The book is an older one, over a decade old now, but really excellent. Check out Owen Strachan's review of it at 9Marks. But by all means, get copies and pass them out to men in your church.
5) I recorded an impromptu little devotional this week inspired by Genesis 25:15 about "protecting the well-springs of our hearts." May it be a blessing to you...