Friday, September 25, 2020

Five Things for Friday

Here are five things which have been on my mind this week:

1) Mercy

What is mercy? Jesus said, "Blessed are the merciful, for they shall receive mercy" (Matt. 5:7). I've been thinking about what it means to be a merciful person and how to act on this in practical ways. I've boiled it down to six things:

  1. to listen
  2. to encourage
  3. to comfort
  4. to forgive
  5. to understand
  6. to pray
What would happen this week if you showed mercy in these six ways to someone else?

2) Compassion

I've been thinking about compassion this week and how it's becoming a thing often lost, increasingly rare, and desperately needed. That's the point of this TED TALK with Krista Tippett. Check it out:

3. Fireproof Novel

I finished reading the Fireproof novel based on the movie of the same name by the Kendrick Brothers. It was excellent!

4. Patience

Of the nine fruits of the Spirit mentioned in Galatians 5:22-23, I believe 'patience' is the one most difficult to come by. I preached over this virtue last Sunday and it has been on my mind this week:

5. Pumpkin Spice for Keto people

Here in Michigan, the trees are changing color and the mornings are cool in the 50s - meaning, Fall is here and so I am excited to bring on the hot drinks! I love my morning cup of coffee and recently wanted to add pumpkin spice to the equation. Problem though - I am keto/zero carb and needed something to make this work. Enter zero carb pumpkin spice coffee syrup: Jordan's Skinny Mixes Syrups/Sugar Free Pumpkin Spice Coffee Syrup! You can get it here.