"Praise the LORD! Praise, O servants of the LORD, praise the name of the LORD!" (Ps. 113:1).
Psalm 113 again brings our attention to the need to praise the Lord. This dominant theme in the Psalms should be a predominant theme in our lives. The Holy Spirit reminds with repetitious refrains in Holy Scripture to spur us on to this high and exalted spiritual duty.
Read some of John Calvin’s comments on Psalm 113 as we examine the need to praise God through our lives: “This psalm contains abundant reasons for all men without exception to praise Cod. The faithful alone being endued with spiritual perception to recognize the hand of God, the prophet addresses them in particular. And if we consider how cold and callous men are in this religious exercise, we will not deem the repetition of the call to praise God superfluous. We all acknowledge that we are created to praise God’s name, while, at the same time, His glory is disregarded by us. Such criminal apathy is justly condemned by the prophet, with the view of stirring us up to unwearied zeal in praising God. The repetition, then, of the exhortation to praise Him, ought to be considered as referring both to perseverance and ardor in this service.
“The praises of God must be continued throughout the whole course of our life. If His name is to be continually praised, it ought, at least, to be our earnest endeavor during our brief pilgrimage here, that the remembrance of it may flourish after we are dead.… His works, which are visible to all nations, are worthy of the admiration of the whole world. To the same effect is the following clause respecting the loftiness of God’s glory; for can there be anything more base, than for us to magnify it but seldom and tardily, considering it ought to fill our thoughts with enrapturing admiration? In extolling the name of God so highly, the prophet intends to show us that there is no ground for indifference; that silence would savor of impiety were we not to exert ourselves to the utmost of our ability to celebrate His praises, in order that our affections may, as it were, rise above the heavens.”
While the world is without excuse for not praising God, how much more are Christians guilty for not praising God? Offer up praises, then, to your Savior, your Lord, and your King.
During worship this Sunday, consider how you praise God. Think about the songs, prayers, Scriptures, sermon. How do these elements help you praise God? Take these elements of praise with you through the week. Think about and apply the sermon, meditate on the Scriptures, and glorify God in song.