"For there is not a word on my tongue, but behold, O LORD, You know it altogether" (Ps. 139:4).
Psalm 139 stands second only to Psalm 104 for its majestic sentiments, eloquent style, and beauty of expression in describing the awesome character of God. While some commentators maintain that Psalm 139 extols both God’s omniscience and His omnipresence, Calvin argues that the psalmist’s main design is to elevate before the assembly God’s all-knowing character. The praise and recognition of God’s omniscience, being the main intention of the psalmist, weave through every strain and verse of this beautiful psalm.
David first admits God’s all-encompassing knowledge regarding his own life: “O LORD, You have searched me and known me. You know my sitting down and my rising up; You understand my thought afar off.… For there is not a word on my tongue, but behold, O LORD, You know it altogether” (vv. 1–4). From this testimony, we learn that God knows all our thoughts before we speak them. He knows everything we do throughout the day and night. What folly then that you should try to get away with sins, no matter how secret they may seem.
You cannot escape God’s all-knowing presence—no matter how hard you try. David tried but found God in every corner: “Where can I go from Your Spirit? Or where can I flee from Your presence? If I ascend into the heaven You are there; if I make my bed in hell, behold, You are there. If I take the wings of the morning, and dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea, even there Your hand shall lead me, and Your right hand shall hold me” (vv. 7–10). There exists a close relationship between God’s infinity or omnipresence and His omniscience. Not only is God everywhere, but He knows all things absolutely and completely. Many people may think they have escaped God’s judgment because they have fooled men, but God’s eyes never close and even the darkness is as light to the Lord.
Because God knows all things, confess to Him your innermost thoughts, the sins you have kept in secret. He knows them anyway. Go to Him, and do not hesitate because of your shame. He knows what you have done, and He waits for you to come and open your soul to Him—only then will you find peace and tranquility in the arms of your all-knowing Lord.
Examine your life for unconfessed sins. Consider why you have not confessed these sins to God. Are you afraid? Are you ashamed? Do you just want to pretend they never happened? Remember God’s omniscience, that He knows all things. God commands you to confess your sins and find forgiveness in Him. Do so today.