"Give no sleep to your eyes, nor slumber to your eyelids" (Prov. 6:4).
Paul gave a very important admonition to the Ephesian church—“Redeem the time because the days are evil.” A proof of a person’s folly is the squandering of time. If you want to be wise you must improve the quality of your time. It would probably be safe to say that few people number their days aright and use their time in a way that is honoring to God.
Before we look at some common ways in which we waste time, let us establish the purpose of time: It is to prepare for eternity. Time is a talent given to us by God to be used for His glory. How then do we hide this talent instead of using it to prepare our souls for heaven?
First, we kill time by sleeping too much. While we need a certain amount of time for our health, too often we lay our heads upon the pillow instead of diligently pursuing more profitable ends throughout the day. We sleep the morning, afternoon, or evening away rather than being productive in the arena in which God has placed us.
Second, day dreaming or a wandering imagination can whittle away time that could be spent in more godly pursuits. Third, frivolous and vain conversation strips us of precious time. How often do young people (many adults are also prone to this indulgence) waste time talking on the phone? Too much time can be wasted in useless conversation that is not only unprofitable, but if not controlled, can lead to gossip and other sins.
Fourth, a great deal of time is often wasted on entertainment or sports, including a number of activities that have no lasting value. How many hours do you squander in front of the television, at the movie theater? While it is not wrong to watch (as long as the programming is not dishonoring to God), a great number of Christians lose hours each day to flickering images piped into their homes from Hollywood. Lastly, time can be consumed by vain primping. How many hours do you waste in front of the mirror, giving more thought to your outward appearance than to your spiritual state?
We will examine ways to redeem time in studies next week. For now, examine your own life and confess ways that you waste time and fritter away this gift from God.
Seriously consider ways that you waste time. Make a list of distractions that keep you from doing what you know you ought. Meditate on passages in this study so your conscience will be made more tender. Listen to the Word embedded in your conscience, confess your sin, and improve your time.