READ: Matthew 28:1-10
These two women witnessed the greatest event in all human history – Jesus’ resurrection! And it’s no wonder they had these mixed emotions of joy and fear. They and the other disciples had been utterly despondent over the last couple of days because Jesus’ execution had dashed their hopes. But now, impossible as it may seem, the story was turning around in a way that was difficult to grasp, yet it was true!
But it’s not just good news for Peter, James, and Mary. It has affected the entire human race, including you and me. Sin had been dealt with at the cross, being removed from us, but now God’s new life had been given and was available to everyone who dared believe it! The power of death has been broken, and we are offered eternal life, a place in God’s family as his children, and a close intimate relationship with Him. as it says in 2 Corinthians 5:17, “if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!”
So this was not the end of the story, but rather the beginning of a new story. At the Plymouth Church of Christ, we desire that you not only find your place in that story, but live it to the fullest.
There is more to come in the future, but God has already given us the Holy Spirit, the church, and His Word to help lead us in this new life.
Let’s commit our lives to him in a fresh way today.
PRAYER: Heavenly Father, your love for me is amazing! You did everything that was needed to bring me into a close relationship with you through Jesus’ work on the first Easter weekend. I receive that work by faith and trust that you have given me new life in Christ. I ask you to fill me with your Spirit so I can live that life in a way that honors you and blesses those around me. I commit my entire life to you today in Jesus’ name, Amen.