Thursday, July 18, 2024

Love Never Fails (1 Corinthians 13:8-12)

"But when that which is perfect has come, then that which is in part will be done away" (1 Cor. 13:10).

Love is greater than other gifts because it is eternal: “Love never fails.” Our eternal God is described as the essence of love. We cannot even begin to grasp what it means to love with a perfect love, to be the very epitome of love itself. Yet, this is exactly what God is. We see the manifestations of that love in His Son, in the mercy He shows a rebellious people, in His longsuffering, in His care, even in His discipline. God’s love is a pure love, but it is also an everlasting love. His love never fails, and if we are His children, our love will never fail. It will continue on even after prophecies, tongues, and knowledge end. Why then do we exalt these gifts that will not accompany us into eternity? Why, not, rather imitate Christ who laid down His life for His sheep, who sustains us and nurtures us even when we provoke Him, rebel against Him, and turn away from Him?

The Corinthians were prone to exalt the gifts of prophecy, tongues, and knowledge because these gifts brought recognition and praise to the individual. Love does the opposite. It brings recognition and praise to others. But not only does it incite humility, it passes from the temporary into the eternal. Its purpose is not confined to the here and now, but it binds us to eternity, to God Himself. A day is coming when we will no longer need prophecies because they will be fulfilled. We will not need human instructors because we will have perfect knowledge. As children, we now know in part, but when we are glorified in heaven, we will know in completion. On that day, we will not need those who speak in tongues because we will understand truth and apprehend God without the crutch of interpretation.

While these things will pass away, we will continue to abide in love as we abide in Christ who saved us from darkness, from a world of hatred and rebellion. Let us then refuse to exalt that which is temporary, but let us esteem highly that which is eternal and brings us more into conformity with Christ. Let us love God and love those whom He has called His own. Let us not envy, or exalt ourselves, or be resentful and suspicious, but let kindness, humility, patience, sacrifice, goodness, and truth rule our lives and our hearts.

Make specific plans today to do something unusual for someone. Cook a special meal for your husband, take your wife out on a date, spend time with your children doing something that interests them, or do something to help someone in your church or neighborhood. Above all, get your mind off yourself.