Jesus said to him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me” (John 14:6).
Whenever someone asks us to place our trust in them, the first thing that comes to our mind is “How do I know you are truthful?” Whether we would like to admit it or not, the same kind of question crosses our mind when it comes to our relationship with God. Even though we might not consciously express it in this way, our hesitation is oftentimes based on doubt concerning God’s truthfulness. “Does He really mean what He says?” “Is His grace truly sufficient for me?” “Is He really telling the truth?” The more we realize that God not only tells the truth but that He is the essence of truth itself, the more we will trust Him. How can we do otherwise? Will we turn our backs on the truth because of our own doubts, or will we accept that God is the truth, that He has revealed the truth in His Son, and that His Word is the truth which instructs us and sanctifies us?
If we do not accept God as the truth, then we reject God as God. This is what the world has done. It has rejected the supposition that there is an absolute standard of truth outside of ourselves. It holds that each individual creates his or her own truth. In rejecting absolute truth, it has rejected God. Or you could analyze it from the other direction—our society has rejected God, therefore it is devoid of absolutes and has abandoned itself to the chaos of relativism. This rejection of the truth has created, as it must, confusion, insecurity, and moral decay in our culture. But the Christian does not need to be sucked into this pit of despair. We have the truth because we know Christ, who is the embodiment of the truth. We are not left to every wind of doctrine or our own whims, but we stand on the solid rock of God’s truth as it has been revealed in His Word.
When you become confused about an issue you are facing, when you have questions about your purpose in life or the struggles you are going through, you can turn to the Word. It is a lamp unto your feet, revealing the truth of God—a light that never grows dim. You can trust in the Lord because He never lies, He never deceives us, He never changes His mind. As Jesus said, if you want to know the truth listen to Him (John 18:37).
Read John 17:17. Do you want to grow in your Christian faith, do you want to become more holy? What does Jesus say is the means of your sanctification? Can you become more like God, more holy, if you neglect the study of the Word? Read John 12:19, 22. How are you expected to reflect God’s image concerning truthfulness?