Monday, February 3, 2025

From Water to Wine (John 2:1-12)

"This beginning of signs Jesus did in Cana of Galilee, and manifested His glory; and His disciples believed in Him" (John 2:11).

Jesus first revealed His divine authority at a wedding. He is the Bridegroom who has come to bring His holy bride, the church, into His kingdom. How appropriate, then, that our Bridegroom first revealed His power at a wedding, so that His follower’s faith might be strengthened and His ministry advanced.

What do we learn about our Lord from this passage? First, He was not an acetic. He came “eating and drinking,” socializing among His family and friends. Jesus, then and now, was approachable. The people did not have to go search for Him in the wilderness as was the case with John the Baptist.

Second, He was fully aware of His purpose and the appropriate timing of His ministry. When His mother comes to Him, hinting of the need for more wine, He responds that it is not yet His hour. It was not Mary who would determine when He would manifest His power, but it was God’s predetermined plan. Leaving it to Jesus’ judgment of when that time would be, Mary simply tells the servants to do whatever He says. She submitted her will to His by leaving the situation in Jesus’ hands until the appropriate moment. Notice that she never demanded a miracle from Him but simply told Him of the need. The decision of when and how was up to Christ.

Third, when Jesus changes the water into wine, He does so with liberality. He gives the best, not the least. The turning of simple water into the finest quality wine is a sign of the spiritual reality that Christ’s blessings are more gracious, more glorious, and more joyous than we could ever imagine. He is not stingy with His blessings. He fills us with the gladdening wine of His love and His mercy.

Fourth, John calls this first miracle a “sign.” A sign in this context indicates a miraculous proof of divine authority and majesty. Many of the details of this event are left unrecorded. Jesus Himself takes center stage. John’s main point in recording this miracle is to attest to Jesus’ divinity, to His authority as the Messiah who came to take away the sins of the world. The disciples who accompanied Jesus recognized this authority, and in light of the miracle their faith was strengthened. May your faith increase, too, as you read of the power and majesty of Christ.

Consider some characteristics you learn about Jesus from this passage. Which of these characteristics can and should you emulate? What should your response be to the authority and power of Christ? What affect did this miracle have on His disciples? Pray that your faith would be strengthened too in light of His power.