"Unless the LORD builds the house, they labor in vain who build it" (Ps. 127:1).
Psalm 127 sharply rebukes us when we forget that God providentially controls all things, both public and private. We need to be reminded that our society, the church, and our families depend entirely upon the good pleasure of God. “When a house is planned, or a certain manner of life is chosen—yea, even when laws are enacted and justice administered, all this is nothing else than to creep upon the earth; and yet the Holy Spirit declares, that all our endeavors in this way are fruitless and of no value. We may gather from this doctrine, that it is not wonderful to find in the present day the state of the world so troubled and confused as it actually is—justice put to flight in cities, the husband and the wife mutually accusing each other, fathers and mothers complaining of their children—in short, all bewailing their own condition. For how few are to be found who, in their vocation, turn to God, and who, being rather inflated with arrogance, do not wickedly exalt themselves?… But were all men humbly to submit themselves to the providence of God, there is no doubt that this blessing which Solomon here commends would shed its luster on all parts of our life, both public and private.”
How quick we are to think God has abdicated His control over our lives. We run society according to our own wisdom. We fashion the church according to our ways. We build our homes according to our own sinful schemes instead of the wisdom of the Lord. We complain about the government, about the church, and about our children, forgetting that God has given these to us to be governed according to His principles. Speaking of the home, Calvin wrote, “Children are not the fruit of chance, but God, as it seems good to Him, distributes to every man his share of them.… He who thus reflects upon the goodness of God in giving him children, will readily and with a settled mind look for the continuance of God’s grace.”
God has established the family, church, and society. When we build these according to our desires and not according to God’s, we will not know the joy that should accompany them. If we want the approval and blessings of God in these areas, we must be established in His ways and continue in His grace.
Think of your attitude toward your government, your church, your children (or family). Do you appreciate these as blessings from the Lord? Do you commit to build and govern them according to God’s ways? Thank God for giving you your country, church, and family and the grace to maintain them.