Monday, January 2, 2023

Why Study Scripture? (2 Timothy 1)

"Hold fast the pattern of sound words which you have heard from me, in faith and love which are in Christ Jesus" (2 Tim. 1:13).

One of my goals is to help convince people of the necessity of studying Scripture. Why is it so necessary to study Scripture—not just a quick skim, but a diligent probing into the revelation of God? 

To answer this we must first remove some excuses people make to neglect study. First, they say it is too difficult to understand. This is not a good excuse for any capable adult who knows how to read. The main truths of Scripture are as easy, if not easier, to read than the newspaper. Throughout this year, we will be studying the wisdom literature of Scripture—a cursory glance at Proverbs reveals the easy-to-read nature of Solomon’s practical teaching.

Others complain that the Bible is boring. But how can this be? Some of the greatest stories ever told spring from the pages of Scriptures. The Bible covers a wide range of human emotions and experiences. Does a woman refuse to read the love letters of her suitor because she finds them boring? If she is really in love, she will covet every word he writes. The true Christian will not only find the words of Christ interesting, but irresistible.

We study the Bible not only because it brings us closer to the One we love, not only because it instructs us in wisdom and morality, but because God has commanded us to study it. Deuteronomy 6 tells us to fix God’s words on our hearts and to teach them diligently to our children. Second Timothy 3:14–17 informs us that the Scriptures are able to give wisdom that leads to salvation, and that they are profitable for teaching, reproof, correction and training that we might be equipped to do good works. Only through the Scriptures can you find salvation. Only in them can you find the wisdom that leads to life. Only through God’s Word can you bring practical application of godliness into focus. Keeping these reasons for studying Scripture in mind, let us begin our exploration into the riches of revelation to the glory and praise of God.

Take some time today to plot out Bible study times for the rest of the week. If morning is best, commit to that time. If not, select some time each day for Bible study and stick to it. Do this every week. Select times that are most unlikely to be interrupted. Treat this time as you would any important appointment. Don’t miss it!